There are too many male enhancement pills on the market from different manufacturers and under different brands. Consumers have to be extra careful in choosing the right one with a reliable trademark. However, experience tells us that it is safer and more acceptable to take the one that claims to be purely natural, with ingredients that have been known to be sexual enhancers for centuries.

Aside from an enlarged penis, penis enhancement pills promise extended erection, strengthened sexual stamina, intensified orgasm, better sex drive, and the prevention of premature ejaculation.

Male Enhancement Herbs

Various formulations of penis enhancement pills claim to increase penis size during sexual intercourse. According to the literature included in penis pill packages, the formulation causes the erectile tissues to expand during a male’s arousal. The chambers open up to create more space for the gush of blood. With the greater volume of the blood flowing into the penis, the penis becomes larger and firmer. This, in turn, allows for a better performance of the male during sexual intercourse.

Choosing pills made of the pure herbal formulation will spare the user from experiencing various side effects like headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, indigestion and congestion that may arise when taking pills containing chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Medical experts claim that the natural ingredients of some herbal pills treat other body irregularities aside from the sexual problems they were intended for.

An example is Hawthorn Berry, scientifically proven to improve the flow of blood in the body, strengthen the blood vessels, normalize the heartbeat, reduce the cholesterol in the body and lower blood pressure. Another example is Yohimbe which you should not use.

Herbal Extracts

herbal extractsHerbal extracts and herbal supplements for male enhancement including L-Arginine, Omega-3, Muira Puama, L-Methionine, Tongkat Ali, Maca, Zinc, Horny goat weed, Flax seeds, Cordyceps, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane. Those who are seeking a penis enlargement medication combined with a sexual enhancer will be pleased to know that penis pills have aphrodisiac properties too.

Most of the pills are formulated with aphrodisiac concentrates, known to be effective as they have been used and tested since ancient times. One of these ingredients that have aphrodisiac properties found in some penis enhancement pills is Catuaba. Catuaba is believed to be a most effective male stimulant that is famous in Brazil. Users testify that continuous usage of pills containing Catuaba results in male erotic dreams and empowered libido.

Penis enhancement pills made of purely natural ingredients do not need a doctor’s prescription. Anyone with a penile problem is free to purchase and take penis enhancement pills of his choice.

Herbal Enhancement Routing

For optimum results, 2 to 3 pills should generally be taken per day. Water should be taken in large quantities so that the pill will get absorbed in the system right away. Improvement in penis performance and other body functions is expected after a few months or even a few weeks of intake.

It is highly recommended to take the penis enhancement pills for several months. It is best to take the pills regularly and continuously for best results. However, if the desired results have been reached in a shorter time, intake of the pills can be stopped immediately, depending on the choice of the user.

There are various testimonies posted by users of penis enhancement pills professing satisfaction as early as the first few days of use. The potency of the enhancement pills has already been felt on the first few days. But results usually take place gradually on the first month of use to the second and third month.

During the first few months, users will have longer erections and will experience penis enhancement. The penis will also improve its performance dramatically as it becomes stronger and firmer in the next months. The user’s penis and sexual vigor are expected to get better and even improve with regular intake. There are also reports of permanent changes and enhancement.

Penis enhancement pills

Given that most of the penis enhancers being sold today claim to contain safe and only natural ingredients, the effectiveness of these items has to be determined. The expected results have to be identified. Some of the penis enhancement pill brands claim to increase penis size from 28 to 30% after several months of regular use.

Others say the penis enlargement will be from three to four inches. However, that’s NOT true.  Find out the truth about herbal penis enlargement pills here. Learn about penis extenders at

Penis enhancement pills may cost a lot of money. There are some products that are being offered from $60 to $80 for a one-month supply. If one desires to get the best results and a large penis size, however, the quality should matter and not the price. Learn about the best male enhancement pills that work |

Penis enhancement pills have come to be the easiest way for men to gain the desired penis size for his self-satisfaction. With their increasing availability, it is hoped that more couples will be happier and more satisfied with their sexual life.